Friday, September 28, 2018

Extraordinary Milk Thistle Benefits You Never Knew About

The topic of herbal supplementation has been all the rave in recent years. Each week it seems that a new supplement is touted by experts to be the definitive cure for a particular ailment or disease.

As a person who has grown extremely interested in these herbal cures, I tend to digest all information given to me regarding herbal remedies.

And if that’s not enough to prove my dedication to the cause I often use my own body as the guinea pig to prove or disprove any claims made in regards to these supplements.

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To this end, I have found that handful of herbal supplements stand out from the rest. Today I will talk about one that I have found is essential to your herbal medicine cabinet.

Milk Thistle is native to the Mediterranean region and has been used as a medicine for 2000 years. The Greek physician Dioscorides was first to give a report of the herbs healing properties in the year 40 AD.

The clamor regarding the capabilities of milk thistle’s ability to cleanse and heal the body has been heard ever since. I have found that the bold proclamations made about the endless healing of the body by milk thistle to be greatly understated.

Makes Your Liver Brand New
The most well-known benefit of ingesting milk thistle is the protection and healing of the liver. The liver is the body’s largest organ and performs a number of essential functions in the body.

The liver stores vitamins and iron and break down insulin and other hormones detoxify the blood and a host of other functions. Any problem with the liver will resonate throughout the entire body.

Milk Thistle works to rebuild liver cells while also reversing the damage done to the liver by years of drug and alcohol abuse, environmental contamination in food, water, and air, and can even act as an antidote to poisonous substances.

Medical Science has also proven that Milk Thistle is an effective treatment for a variety of advanced liver conditions. Among these conditions are hepatitis, fatty liver disease, and cirrhosis of the liver.

Hope For Diabetics
The National Institute Of Health reports that the main ingredient in milk thistle helps to alleviate diabetes symptoms. Antioxidants found in milk thistle has shown to lower the glucose levels of diabetics that are insulin resistant.

A 2006 study done by the Institute of Medical Plants determined that diabetics given milk thistle extract for one month showed significant improvements in both insulin and blood glucose levels when compared to a placebo group.

The probable explanation of this result is that the liver is responsible for introducing insulin into the bloodstream and insulin lowers blood glucose levels.

Milk Thistle Jumpstarts The Heart
Milk thistle has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which proves beneficial to heart health as lower levels of inflammation correlate directly with lower cholesterol levels.

Milk thistle is also effective at preventing damage caused by oxidative stress within arteries.

Research done in 2006 showed that milk thistle extract, when used along with traditional treatments produced marked improvements in total cholesterol levels, LDL cholesterol levels, and levels of triglycerides in the blood than before milk thistle was added to the treatment regimen.

An important note about this study is that all participants were diabetic who tend to have higher cholesterol levels than the general public. More study needs to be conducted to reveal if these effects will be present in non-diabetics.

Milk Thistle Crushes Cancer
Milk thistle seeds contain high concentrations of the flavonoid Silymarin. This flavonoid has the capability to support the immune system, combatting the damage done to DNA, and reversing the growth of cancer tumors.

Over half the silymarin molecules present in milk thistle are a type known as silybin. Silybin stimulates protein synthesis and protects the outer layers of healthy cells from mutation and damage.

Silybin also helps to expel toxins from the body and is a catalyst for cell renewal. The antioxidant also provides cells with protection from damage caused by free radicals.

Milk Thistle Makes You Forever Young
The antioxidant density in milk thistle does wonders to slow the aging process. This is possible because milk thistle prevents free radical damage in the body and cleanses the blood and digestive tract.

The anti-aging properties of milk thistle take place both on the body’s surface and within the organs.

Milk thistle is also beneficial in its ability to combat a number of ailments and disorders that plague adults that are advanced in age. This includes but is not limited to heart disease, kidney problems, damaged skin and vision problems.

Milk thistle also proves helpful at eliminated visible signs of aging by preventing wrinkles, lines, and skin discolorations. The herb also helps to maintain functions in muscles and joints.

Milk Thistle Promotes Kidney Health
Milk thistle benefits to the kidneys are almost as numerous as the benefits to the liver. One major impact of milk thistle on kidneys is helping with diabetic nephropathy.

This condition occurs when the ability of the kidneys to filter the blood is impaired. Milk thistle increases the activities of the enzymes catalase and glutathione peroxidase which work to protect kidney cells.

Milk thistle has also shown preventive cancer properties specifically targeting the kidneys. Milk thistles ability to eradicate free radicals has been established but it is now known that milk thistle also has the ability to manipulate cells.

One example of this is that milk thistle causes the activation of receptors in cancer cells that cause these cells to initiate their own death.

Milk Thistle Makes The Skin Glow
Phytochemicals found in the silymarin that is found in milk thistle have shown the ability to preventing damage to the skin from exposure to UV rays.

Researchers have also applied silymarin as a topical solution to the skin and of patients who have suffered skin damages from radiation treatments to combat cancer. The findings were conclusive that milk thistle was also helpful in this capacity.

Milk Thistle Protects Bones
Milk thistle has received attention for the healing of bone fractures and the potential to combat osteoporosis. In a study done in Malaysia, milk thistle supplementation was shown to improve the healing of fractured tibia in mice.

There was also a clear osteoporosis-fighting effect on bone structure. The estrogenic qualities of milk thistle make it even more valuable to menopausal women in offsetting the effects of osteoporosis.

Milk Thistle Kicks Stones
The liver plays a major role in the digestive process and is responsible for processing any nutrients and toxins that entered the body. The liver works closely with other digestive organs and is able to provide benefits for the prevention of both gallstones and kidney stones.

Milk thistle aids in the production of bile and certain enzymes which is supportive of both the endocrine system as well as the gastrointestinal system.

By cleansing metabolic waste in the body, milk thistle regulates gallbladder, spleen, and kidney functions.

Milk Thistle Clears The Fog
Milk Thistle has been used as a tonic against cognitive decline and has shown promise at fighting against neurodegenerative disease. Milk thistle may also aid in brain function by affecting the central nervous system.

In an animal study done in 2015, milk thistle was able to greatly improve the ability to resist the effects of oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is known to be a main contributor to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Studies in animals have also shown the ability of milk thistle to improve impairments in both learning and memory.

The Summation
I think you will agree after reading this list of benefits that Milk Thistle is an absolute herbal necessity. Not many herbal remedies are capable of addressing the laundry list of health issues that is attained by milk thistle supplementation.

I am also sure you will recognize the benefit of supplementing with an herb that provides positive benefits to every organ of the body, including the skin. And if that isn’t enough milk thistle also provides support for healthy bones.

There is no need to debate any further. Make use of milk thistle now. You will leave to appreciate it.

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